The Timothy Christian School Community consist of family of students, Members who support the school. From year to year the number of enrolled students change, so our number of families with also fluctuate between 100 - 120 families. We are a community robust in support of Christian Education, seeing the importance of family structure, working side by side toward a strong vision for the school and honouring our Lord in the process.
We are blessed with students and families from a variety of Christian denominations which beautifully reflects the diversity and craftsmanship of God's people. We come together at the beginning of the school year for a Family BBQ so newly enrolled families can connect with some seasoned families and get a better overall picture of TCS. We also gather in the Fall and Spring at a "TCS Society Meeting" where Members and families have an opportunity to be updated on the Financial well-being of the school, the budget for next year, curriculum updates and news on Project Based Learning, Marketing and Promotion updates and any concerns on maintenance of the building. So, with all that being said...we act strongly as a community to be sure we can all have a part in the development and success of this school.
Community Involvement
- David Busby lunches
- Local Community Park Clean up days
- Barrie Food Bank collections
- Roberta Place field trip, reading & playing with guests
David Busby Lunch Drive
The Grades 4 and 5 classes have been committed to preparing lunches a few times a year for the David Busby Centre, there are approximately 40 lunches made and picked up at the school by the Centre and delivered to our homeless population in Barrie. This is a wonderful teaching tool focusing on outreach and compassion for these students.
Local Park Clean-Up Days
Grade 2 classes have been responsible for the recycling collection within the school and they have also enjoyed serving the community by going to a local park to pick up litter.
Barrie Local Food Bank
Students often run a food drive where the donations go to our Local Barrie Food Bank to support those in our community.
Roberta Place Visit
Junior & Primary students will occasionally visit Roberta Place retirement home to read with the patrons, play games and socialize. It's a wonderful way to bridge the years and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship and encouragement.